
Events & News

Weekly Announcements | January 28, 2024
Fellowship of the Flight | Feb 1Dialogue and Drinks every 1st Thursday of the month!February 1, 7:30pm at The Barley Merchant Taproom in LangleyCommunity Supper | Feb 10Serve a meal with us at Golden Ears United this Saturday at 4:30pm. Please check in with us to let us know if you’re bringing a dis
GATHER | A Community Dinner
A monthly potluck to share life, food, faith and ideas - 4th Saturday ea Month.GATHER | A Community DinnerA community potluck on the last Saturday of the month! We’ll hang out and do community, eat together and sometimes have a guided dialogue on faith.Bring a dish to share! Our January theme is Int
Weekly Announcements | January 21, 2024
GATHER | Jan 27A community potluck on the last Saturday of the month! We’ll hang out and do community, eat together and sometimes have a guided dialogue on faith.Bring a dish to share! Our January theme is International Flavours! We’ll have drinks and dishes and cutlery ready to go.Fellowship of the

Recent Sermons

Co-opted Imaginations | Reclaiming Romans
Paul invites us to re-imagine the way in which our world functions within systems of power and wealth, patriarchy and hierarchy. The question is: do we have the imagination to follow through?
Co-opted Imaginations | Reclaiming Romans
Paul invites us to re-imagine the way in which our world functions within systems of power and wealth, patriarchy and hierarchy. The question is: do we have the imagination to follow through?
The Community | Reclaiming Romans
One of Paul's primary concerns throughout his letter comes down to community - living faith in the midst of our community. In this series, we're deconstructing Paul's letter to the Romans and giving it new life.